Saturday, 1 December 2012

Cunt In A Pac A Mac

I threw away my funding application for this year's Edinburgh Fringe when I realised  (again) that I didn't really want to go.
It felt like a terrible shame to waste all that creativity, so here is a condensed version of my submittal.

Title: Cunt In A Pac A Mac

Genre: Interactive street theatre

Plot: It's basically me, Yanny Mac, in a Pac A Mac, behaving a bit cuntishly.
The audience are intrinsically involved, but unaware of the denouement (obviously - it's a denouement) until they realise that they too are cunts in Pac A Macs.

Benefits: It is a piece of theatre that invokes social & cultural observation through the prism of art.

Funding required: £2000 (travel & accommodation) + £10 for a Pac A Mac

Possible problems & resolutions: 
Edinburgh experiences its warmest summer on record, and it doesn't rain for at least a week.
Would require changing title of show to Cunt In A Pair Of Crosshatch Shorts.
Will need £40 for a pair of Crosshatch Shorts.