I have chafing thighs.
Despite major weight gains in the past, due to steroids and/or beer, I have never had chafing thighs.
This is new, slightly uncomfortable, but ultimately not very interesting.
I'm performing at this year's Latitude Festival.
Felt I had to gen-up on the bands that were headlining in July. I'm confident I know a bit about Suede, but The National and Paolo Nutini are fairly new to me, what with my personal embargo on Radios 1 & 2.
After enduring several bumper ads for Budweiser and Cravendale milk (when did cows get so brand-conscious?), and all sorts of internet recommendations for musical salvation, I managed to listen to a few tracks by each, based on hits & downloads, now that chart positions have been hijacked by the shit-pimps.
And they're ok.
Nutini has a good voice for a fug lump teenager, but his music is not anything more than 'easy listening'.
I thought I'd heard The National once or twice before, but then remembered it was Editors, Elbow, Tindersticks, Kings of Leon, Pavement et al.
Perhaps it was the sight of bearded geeks in suits & glasses that made me think it was all a little unoriginal, or maybe pop music can only be recycled these days, rather than reinvented?
I dunno.
I'm over the moon that OMD are playing - nothing more than nostalgia for me. And I recently saw C.W.Stoneking live; he is indeed recycling a genre, but not one that drenches our airwaves in sullen mediocrity.
I guess I'm just getting old, and the organisers expect me to be enjoying headline poets or comics, or back in my tent by 10pm.
And I guess they might be right.
I just hope my chafing has ceased by then.
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